Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Management Review

Management review is one of the key elements to building a sustainable quality system. It means that the management must consistent with what they had committed; they must allocate the resources to make sure that the company can continuously improve quality.

Management reviews should focus on both the quality of the products and the quality of the Quality Management System.

In general, it is very simple to maintain compliance of the management review portion of the standard. It can be done with a simple notebook that is maintained as a quality record. The Management review procedure includes a list of documentation that should be included in management review meeting.

The management review meetings should review both the quality system and the product/service quality.

The below description is a sample of applicable The Management Review procedure.


This procedure describes requirements of management review to maintain management commitment of quality, and ensure that the quality management system is effective, controlled & maintained; and in accordance with management goal to achieve optimum Quality, Cost, Delivery, and Safety.

The management review procedure applies to all company personnel who are responsible for planning, development, use, and maintenance of the quality management system.



i)Management representative shall have responsibilities to achieve quality goal of project activities.
ii)Establish agenda and schedule of management review.
iii)Report the result of management review to Director.

QA Manager
i)Record and maintain the management review recommendation and distribute it to relevant functional of company.

4.3. Managers
i) Involve of management review meeting to achieve applicable quality system.
Prepare previous documents in accordance with their scope of responsibilities.
Propose the changes of procedure, and action plan schedule (if any).
Monitor and record the execution of quality system that has been changed.

i) The Management Representative must routinely review the status of the quality management system and the status of the quality of the company’s product and services, at least once per year and auditors like to see them in semester.
The Management Representative invites all managers that they responsible for quality management system in accordance with management review schedule at least a week before meeting.
iii) Each Manager shall prepare the evidence file in accordance with previous approve quality system, and shall prepared proposal of effective quality system that will be changed (if any).
iv) Director or a person assigned lead management review meeting.
v) The Management Representative shall make coordination of proposed required procedure that will be implemented (if any), and the Director shall approved it.
Manager shall inform to staff and guide them to implement it as soon as possible.
The Management Representative monitor and make coordination of corrective action that has been decided.
viii) QA Manager shall record and maintain the output of management reviews.

6. Discussion matter of Management review
The discussion matter of management review minimum shall as follows:
i) Legal requirements, such as certification.
Follow-up actions on previous management review.
iii) Check approval status and audit status.
Quality Assurance Reports: review of quality objectives; process performance; and non-conforming materials summaries.
v) Review of subcontractor and supplier performance.
Customer complain, include summary of complain, issues, and resulting actions.
Corrective & Preventive action: type & source of issues, root cause analysis, reoccurring problems.
Internal Auditing: audit results, audit schedule.
Propose of improvement of quality management system, and action plan schedule (if any): review of quality policy, quality objectives and overall quality system effectiveness and improvement of system and product.
Improvement recommendations and closing date required.

7. Management review Output
The output from management review shall include any decisions and actions related to:
Improvement of effectiveness of the Quality Management System and its processes to achieve quality goal that it in line with Quality, Cost, Delivery, and Safety aspects.
Improvement of product related to customer requirements.

Related documents
i) Invitation of Management Review meeting
Attendance List of Management Review meeting.
Agenda and Schedule of Management Review meeting.
iv) Minute of Management Review meeting.
Report of Management Review.

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